Hello everyone,
I would like to start off by saying that this blog is mainly towards the alleged drug scandal that singer Park Bom is in. What's now surfaced are all new allegations of the closed case Park Bom was in 4(FOUR) years ago. It has come to my knowledge and many other fans around the world that LIES are trying to corrupt this beautiful singers reputation. Now, I want to clearly say that I LIVE in the United States and have more than a thing or two to say to the allegations Segye llbo is trying to portray in this matter and how very disgustingly he is trying to lie to the public and MOST IMPORTANTLY TO YOU BOMBSHELLS AND YOU 2NE1 FANATICS IN GENERAL.
I hope that you all will support this blog and show everyone how much we truly care and support Park Bom through this tragic time.
Now, on to the specifics.
On October 12, 2010 (4 years ago) it was reported by Segye llbo that Park Bom had tried to "smuggle" 82 pills of amphetamine into South Korea via FedEx from the United States.
Okay, now to those who don't know what amphetamine is please visit the following blog that gives you great detail for I will shorten the definition,on top of the definition of amphetamine, the category in which if it is under is also posted and is available in detail : Please visit: "ParkBomBlackjacks.blogspot.jp"
**update 1:Someone has told me to clear out that this is not a regular prescription but a Category 2 substance**
Park Bom was guilty for having prohibited medication but NOT for Smuggling because Amphetamine became illegal in 2012 officially. Also, they were illegal if without a prescription.
Amphetamine in short is a central nervous system(CNS) stimulant used to treat ADHD ,narcolepsy. If used "off-label" it is used for things like obesity, and depression.
Now, if you want to learn more about how amphetamine was banned and drug trends that were lingering around South Korea then please refer to this link: http://icclr.law.ubc.ca/sites/icclr.law.ubc.ca/files/publications/pdfs/Dr.Chos%20paper%20Drug%20Control%20Policy.pdf
^**Please be aware it is very lengthy**
Controversy #1:
Honestly, I will base the following on opinion.
Who in the world..if trying to actually smuggle drugs..would make it easy for themselves to get caught by sending them through Fedex?
Not only would it be held in Customs air mail
(it was a U.S parcel that was sent in by Park Bom's mother)
but would be searched by Custom officials..
Who would make it that easy to be caught?
I'm sorry I just need to repeat..it was sent through FEDEX
**Fedex does have there own right to open and inspect any parcel if they wanted to as said on there website "We may, at our sole discretion, open and inspect any shipment without notice. Governmental authorities may also open and inspect any shipment at any time."
The parcel that held the amphetamine was probably not checked by FedEx and is probably why it was detected through Korean Customs.
Controversy #2:
People are having controversy because the recipients name wasn't of Park Bom but of her Grandmother and apparently it was among snacks and other things.
This was because at the time (2010) Park Bom was a arising singer in the group 2NE1 and was in training, and rarely if ever had time to stay at home. Her grandmother on the other hand was home frequently and the decision was made to send her medication to her Grandmothers house to avoid any lost packages.
Also, her grandmother had put in some snacks for her daughter (Park Bom's mother).
And even her Grand mother said it was for her daughters diet, like please people.
Why does people putting in a snack for there loved ones seem so fucking bad.
When I send out packages (like many others) we include treats and stuff because we FUCKING CARE, so I feel as if this shouldn't even be cared about.
Even if people are going to say "they knew it was illegal and that's why they put snacks" like please, I just can't seem to find why people take love for another person so harshly and try to use it against them.
**The ordering of Park Bom's prescription will be discussed later as it is related to a statement YG himself made**
Update #2 (someone has told me to add this in): "Have you asked for proof from the newspaper reporting these facts? Let me tell you right off the bat, there is no proof. How do I know? Anyone in America knows. Here are several facts about American law that will automatically disprove most of which these reporters are saying.
1.Hipaa Laws: For those not familiar with Hipaa laws, they are American laws regarding medical records here in the United States. Hipaa laws clearly state that unless you are a government agency with a proper warrant or you give someone permission to access your medical records, that all medical records are to be kept confidential and cannot be discussed with anyone outside of yourself.
The Lie
Segye Ilbo has stated on numerous occasions that Park Bom didn't have a valid prescription and that she violated United States laws. They have hinted that she was possibly abusing drugs, etc. The bottom line is if Segye Ilbo had called the University Hospital or any Hospital in the United States about Park Bom's medical records, prescriptions, or any other medical condition, they would have been denied all access completely. There is no way they could have any insider's knowledge of her medical records or prescription history without a properly issued warrant from a recognizable government agency and since the Prosecutors for this case seem to be on Park Bom's side, I'm 99% sure they didn't have that. The other factors is that if they did get access to Park Bom's medical records, everyone in America would have heard about the Hippa Violation and that hospital would have been shut down, suspended, investigated and at the very least the doctor or nurse that gave them information would be fired.
Unlike Segye Ilbo, I have proof to back up what I am saying. Please Google American Hipaa Laws to verify that this is the way things work in the United States and that Segye Ilbo are most likely lying about any inside knowledge they might have.
Easy Proof: All I ask is that for Segye Ilbo prove that what they are saying is true. Give us the name of a reputable American doctor who is still working here in the United States that either treated Park Bom, wrote her a false prescription or gave them their information. Produce a medical record, United States arrest or police report that she violated our laws, etc. Otherwise apologize to the public for this blatant lie and accusation that was meant to ruin someone's career
Who ordered what and why?
While Park Bom returned to South Korea to be now known as a member of 2NE1, she started having symptoms of the condition she had in the United States. (She had dealt with a very traumatic event in her life which involved a close friend dying on the field)
This is why Park Bom's mother contacted University doctors who had prescribed Park Bom her medication prior. It is then known that Park Bom contacted the same University for the same reason.
This counteracts with YG's statement that reads "What mother and grandmother would go get their daughter and granddaughter a narcotic?"
Even though the mother had first contacted the University first it was done for the well being of her daughter.
Controversy #4:
Why did investigators take time into investigating this in the first place!
I hope everyone knows that an investigation just doesn't launch because it needs to. There has to be a recap of how the drugs came into the country and all that good stuff. That is why 7 days later enforcement went into action started to investigate into Park Bom, her mother and her grandmother, as said by Dispatch.
"Park Bom is doing other things with her drugs"
There were 82 anmphetamine tablets. Park bom had only took 3-4 pills which would make this a week worth of medication. So the rumor of her sharing and or creating other illegal substances are completely false and are not proven.
Controversy #6:
Why wasn't Park Bom arrested or charged?
Park Bom wasn't charged because she was innocent. She had prescription papers and evidence to back up her up legally. Since this prescription was obtained in the United States and there was no other evidence of Park Bom using her prescription for business or bad purposes then those with a legal prescription & the prescription was obtained from another countries then this person will not receive any punishments and WILL NOT be charged.
Controversy #7:
YG influenced these people to not charge Bom!!
Are you crazy? Sure, Park Bom is an artist, and it is true that this scenario could take place but there is evidence to prove that this is not the case and to Attorneys this is more than a big deal. ( dispatch ) <<http://www.dispatch.co.kr/r.dp?idx=104267>> <<http://www.hellokpop.com/2014/07/05/this-dispatch-article-may-have-cleared-park-boms-name/>>
Now I think I have pushed away some major focal points to this drama and now here comes my personal experience to Segye llbo's latest announcement.
Controversy #1:
Park Bom's medicine was not under her name.
I feel as if Segye llbo is trying to make up really hard core lies to deceive us all. I honestly feel like that the prescription was put under her English name which is Jenny Park and is why there was a confusion.
But because Segye llbo didn't even release a name..and tried to say it wasn't hers by just saying "it was under a different name"..seems pretty suspicious.
I really can't comment on this since there isn't enough of anything to try and even dig into this claim.
Controversy #2:
Now I don't know why but this bugged me out the most..it is when he claims that "Even with a prescription, the person has to directly go to a pharmacy and prove their identity to receive the amphetamine."
Update #3: Prescription Laws: Here in the United States, if a doctor writes you a prescription, anyone can take it to the pharmacy as long as they know your birthday, insurance, first and last name and get the prescription filled and pick it up for you. Segye Ilbo has stated that Park Bom's parents violated American law by getting the prescription for her. The bottom line is that if a doctor has treated Park Bom before and are aware of her condition, in America it is not uncommon for the doctor to give out prescription refills and it would not be illegal or uncommon for her mother to get the prescription filled for her without her being there.
The Lie:
Prescriptions and their refills still fall under the laws of Hipaa. This information would not have been given out to a reporter. And unless the doctor illegally supplied Park Bom's mother with the prescription, she would not have engaged in any illegal activity by getting the prescription from Park Bom's doctor, having it filled at any pharmacy, and picking it up for her. This is standard American practice. Segye Ilbo has implied that Park Bom's mother got the prescription illegally. Again this falls under the laws of Hippa and a pharmacy would not have given out the prescription information for Park Bom's mother without a warrant. The prosecutor's office that handled Park Bom's case has stated she had a valid American Prescription for the medication at the time of this incident making any possibility that Park Bom's mother violated any American laws almost impossible.
Easy Proof: Have Segye Ilbo produce the pharmacy that gave out medication in the name of Park Bom's mom come forward. Reveal the name of the doctor who wrote the illegal prescription. Give us some version of proof that Segye Ilbo spoke with someone in America about this case and were given any valid information. If not, Segye Ilbo should apologize for this falsehood of accusation and the public should stop allowing these two reporters to benefit from the lies they are telling about someone who is innocent in order to further their own careers.
So he tried to tell us all that we directly need to go to the pharmacy and pick up our medication ourself..but it's not always like that in the United States.
You, your mother , your father, your family can take your prescription to the pharmacy , and not be questioned. Of course you will fill out some paper work (that's a given ) and if you have any insurance cards of some sort then that should be presented as well.
Now, in order for someone to pick up the medication they would have to know your name, your date of birth, and sometimes asked, the name of the prescription itself.
Also for those who do not believe me this is from the U.S department of Health and Human services:
"Q: Can a patient have a friend or family member pick up a prescription for her?
"Yes. A pharmacist may use professional judgment and experience with common practice to make reasonable inferences of the patient’s best interest in allowing a person, other that the patient, to pick up a prescription. See 45 CFR 164.510(b). For example, the fact that a relative or friend arrives at a pharmacy and asks to pick up a specific prescription for an individual effectively verifies that he or she is involved in the individual’s care, and the HIPAA Privacy Rule allows the pharmacist to give the filled prescription to the relative or friend. The individual does not need to provide the pharmacist with the names of such persons in advance."
Now through experience this is totally true, my family was never rejected when picking up prescriptions for me when I became ill.
Now people could be like "whaaat it's a narcotic "
If Park Bom authorized her family to pick it up for her (in this case her mom)
then the situation comes out to be completely legal!
The University KNEW that both her mother and Bom had called in, and on top of that the University took into consideration that Bom would not be able to pick up her prescription and this was why it was handed to her mother instead of Park Bom.
Now everyone I'm going to explain other controversies that are kinda totally irrelevant and shouldn't even matter. <<<LIKE SERIOUSLY>>
Controversy #1:
Update #4:
American Education System: Children in the United States graduate High School between the ages of 16 and 19. The age varies greatly because when a child can start school depends on the month in which their birthday falls. Children in America start school at the age of 5 but if your birthday is in August or after September you are forced to wait until the following year to start school making you 6 when you start instead. The average age of an American 10th grader is 16. It would be very, very hard to find an 18 year old sophomore in the United States. It could happen but it is not the normal age.
The Lie:
Segye Ilbo has accused Park Bom of lying about her age. They have based this on the information that she should have been 18 at the time of her incident since she was a sophomore in High School. They have stated that she lied about her age because she would have only been 16 at the time but she had to be 18 in order to be a sophomore. As stated above, this statement is a blatant lie and Segye Ilbo should have checked their facts before reporting obvious lies.
Easy Proof: If Segye Ilbo has proof that Park Bom is lying about her age, I urge the public to ask them to produce it. This means a birth certificate or any other document in which her age is listed and signed by a certified doctor. Otherwise, the public should no longer allow Segye Ilbo and their reporters to lie to the public for their own gains."
Park Bom's age is fake and she is older then she is.
It was revealed when supporters of Park Bom found these clippings :
That Park Bom is actually 1-3years older than what she had said to have been.
Seriously people? Does this really matter? Obviously the no life netizens care because Park Bom is being dragged everywhere and they want to keep picking at it but in total reality..it doesn't even matter. Wooooow. She said she was 30 when she is like 32-34..seriously? Should that even matter? Get over yourself if a beautiful lady doesn't want to reveal her true age then let her be. My mom always says she's a few years younger and that's just a female thing probably! (Guys probably do it too actually lol)
Not to mention it's only a 1-3 year gap, like calm yourselves people.
Controversy #2:
Why is an old scandal being brought back up?
It has something to do with 2NE1 and and Park Bom being on a reality show. 2NE1 is now being recognized across the United States with American singers and rappers. They are being spotted with American singers, and evidence to prove that?
Will I Am , CL and Park Bom
Dara and Justin Bieber (in the middle Harry Kim)
And the list goes on.
Park Bom is on a reality show named "Roomate".
Many know that 2NE1 in general never really go on shows or participate in things like this so Park Bom being on the show had a lot of significance for many who watched her since her debut.
Someone out there..maybe another company? A lame-o journalist (if you can call them that) is trying to ruin her reputation? But why?
I feel as if this was planned because who just brings up a 4 year old scandal and tries to add more bullshit to it, just to ruin an entertainers career? Seems pretty sketchy.
Also, everything being brought up right when 2NE1 is on a world tour and Park Bom in roomate?
Did someone not want 2NE1 to move up the fame latter?
I've talked to some people and I know this might start controversy..but many feel that maybe SM entertainment may be behind this and or someone may have been put up to this to ruin Bom in some way.
And in all reality people feed off of lies and that's why there are rumors..so it's kind of sad seriously.
Lastly I would like to say, if there is anything else that should be added into here please leave a comment down below.
I want to say to all you Blackjacks and to you BOMbshells do not let your guard down, we do not want to let our Queens down, including when one of them is being dragged down probably due to jealousy. Please spread this blog around and help people see some of the lies these people are putting out there!
**I do acknowledge the fact that this unintentionally is considered "drug smuggling" even if Park Bom and her family didn't know the outcome would have ended this way.** |
Updates where added from the fellow site : parkbomblackjacks. blogspot. jp/2014/07/comments-on-park-bom-allegations.html
updates made due to request
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